Goal 1: Support high expectations for academic performance and expand opportunities for every student.
Objective: Rocky Run ES will close performance gaps between reporting categories, improving performance for every student.
Target 1: By the mid-year benchmark assessments (PALS & MAP Reading), students achieving in the Tier 1 range will increase by 10% from Fall to mid-year.
By Spring benchmark assessments (PALS & MAP), students achieving in the Tier 1 range will increase by 15% from Fall to Spring.
Target 2: By the mid-year benchmark assessments (PALS & MAP), achievement scores of our ECD student will increase by 10% from Fall to mid-year.
By Spring benchmark assessments (PALS & MAP), achievement scores of our ECD student will increase by 10% from Fall to Spring.
Goal 2: Ensure every student, staff, and family member receives a safe, engaging, and welcoming environment in our schools.
Objective: Operate with efficiency and transparency, acting as good stewards of our resources.
Target 1: Data reflects at least a 0.3 pt. Increase from Spring 2023 data for each of the 2 items mentioned above
Target 2: Data reflects at least another 0.3 pt. Increase from Spring 2023 data for each of the 2 items mentioned above
Goal 3: Ensure every student, staff, and family member receives a safe, engaging, and welcoming environment in our schools.
Objective: Close gaps in climate perception across and within schools for students, teachers, and families.
Target 1: Q1- Survey to parents with a focus on fairness and safety